February 8, 2022 Reair: Celebrating 56 Years of Ministry..! Session 2..! https://t.co/aZ0haK3rMO

@ApFrancisFais Precious Francis!!! Thanks so so much!

Thanks Dale!! https://t.co/irsMoMpFhl

Thanks so so much Son!! https://t.co/pxVQpkJBvT

Watch my re airing 7p…9p…11p… Cst Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter https://t.co/mzjNck1zBX

Reair: The Minister's Assistant..! https://t.co/nbWkGobDoK

Tues, Feb 8 - The Minister's Assistant..! https://t.co/cLjrqaLfSf

@ApFrancisFais Thanks so much dear Francis!!

I am …LIVE TEACHING AT 5p..cst Facebook Instagram YouTube Twitter https://t.co/N22Ptdj8PR

A LEADER I TRUST…! https://t.co/3ntGqpnqdG

Who Are… …The Evil People… …On The Earth…??? Anyone Who Dishonors…. …Good People.

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