July 17, 2018 @tysherrell ????????????????

WATCH ME TONIGHT... The Secret That Changed My Life..! 10:30p cst/The Word Network! https://t.co/9t4zyaFhu3 #14… https://t.co/xuBREM6lab

A MUST.... https://t.co/LAg2vtojFS

LEVITICUS. https://t.co/OPOxmrZPo0

#EVIL ...Has A System. ...A Vocabulary  ...A Goal ...A Strategy  ...A Philosophy  #drMM #fb #Politics

@SimplyGodCloned ??????

#WISDOM Is... ...Recognition Of Difference ...Ability To Anticipate A Consequence ...Ability To Think Ahead .… https://t.co/txwwvDo3rV

Good Counsel.. https://t.co/DOt8dXXaaq

@bishopdreitzes @Inspire7Passion @SimplyGodCloned Wow... Bishop, your Words so Heal ...thanks from my heart...????

WOW. THINK. AGAIN. https://t.co/uKuf5DcRCY

Stop Trying To Correct...The World. Simply Try To Correct...Your #Mind . #drMM #fb #thoughts

Have You Ever Wished Deep In Your Heart... That Someone You Really Liked... Was ....Smart?????? ???????????? #drMM #fb

@FLOTUS @GreatDays91 @POTUS So Proud Of our #FLOTUS .... You Are ...Quite World Class...

Ohhhhhh...... Practicing Medicine...AGAIN? https://t.co/eJCNyHuJ5a

@VilelaCoqueiro @GreatDays91 Ahhhh HAPPY BIRTHDAY FROM ME & THE WISDOM CENTER STAFF...!!!!!!

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