October 5, 2016 Silent Discoveries Are For Effective Decisions... NOT...Discussion. #drMM #fb

THINK.!!!!!!!!!! https://t.co/tE8FE7vLX6

#Intuition ..Is Often Flawed. Ask Questions. #drMM #fb

#Parents . #Pastors . #Pigs . 3 Ways God Speaks. #drMM #fb https://t.co/WGsHPDb9v7

TheProdigalsFather ... Permit ...Departures. #drMM #fb

#DearDaughter - KNOW YOUR MAN. His Past? His Mentors? His Goals? His Reaction to Authority? His Parents? His Heroes? Integrity #Dad #drMM

WED 3:45a.. The Elisha ..Pursues. Unwilling To Live Without The Anointing. #drMM #fb

#Attention ..Is Huge Investment. Assess ..Your Returns Honestly. #drMM #fb

#PEOPLE .. Some Are ..TESTS. Some Are ..Bridges. Some Are..Doors. Some Are..Mirrors. Some Are..Lifejackets. #drMM #fb



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