June 29, 2016 Whose Voice...Creates Instant Peace? #drMM #fb


Whose #Admiration ...Matters To You..? How Much? #drMM #fb

Where Does Your "Crudeness" Show..? Does It Matter To You? #drMM #fb

What Do You Do ...Better Than ANYONE..???? That's Your PATH. #drMM #fb

God Can Be...Excited. SO.... Do It!!!! #drMM #fb

@ClintRoss11 @Global_Wisdom You really impressed the Staff...Church Family.!!! Loved your collage of photos.! Hug Beautiful Lyndie for us!

@lyndiemccauley @Global_Wisdom @ClintRoss11 @fsolomons1 @hotchoc482 @Cynthia29895624 @LaLolly @charismamag @ValueVisionOpt ????????????????


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