May 21, 2016 LIVE on #Periscope: 5 Days of Glory - Day 4!!!

7p cst..Watch Me L-I-V-E! Don't Miss 5 Days of Glory..! #15 LIVE (Listen #15-CBP) 641-715-3655 #693222 #drMM #fb

The Wise ...LISTEN. #drMM #fb

I Wait...For Nothing. A.S.K. #drMM #fb

Everything ...Is Bought. The Currency...Differs. #drMM #fb

@harrieojo His Intensity & Competence to Create Change.

#Mercy ..Does Not Verify Approval. #drMM #fb

#Money Do You Need A Miracle..Or A Mentor? Does Your $ ..Multiply or Leave? #Questions ..Schedule Seasons. #drMM #fb

Your Focus...EMPOWERS. An Offense. A Pleasure. An Enemy. A Flaw. Your Focus...Decides What You Are Feeling. #drMM #fb

Who ... Is Your PLACE..? #drMM #fb

#Pleasure ...Diminishes Pain. #drMM #fb

#ATTENTIVENESS ... Is a Profound Investment. So,Invest it in what.. Pleasures YOU. Nothing Else Matters. #drMM #fb

Focus on ...PLEASURE. For 7 Days. It dispels Your Attentiveness To Offenses..Etc. Astounding Shift. #drMM #fb

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